Ways to Sign In

Getting started with us is quick and easy, as everyone has their own preference. Simply choose one of the following options:

  • Registration Form: Just fill out our registration form, and we’ll get in touch with you to explore suitable opportunities tailored to you.

  • Resume or Professional Profile: Send us your resume or a link to your professional profile (e.g., LinkedIn) to help us better understand your background. You can email it to us at patrik.wolker@codedock.com.

Our team is looking forward to receiving your application! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

What We Offer

Obtaining additional projects and contracts is always about finding the synergy between what is being offered and what is in demand. Our task is to identify the potential of such opportunities and facilitate the establishment of such connections to the satisfaction of both parties. Our work primarily involves the following points:

  • Crafting a professional profile (carefully reviewing the materials you provide us) and selecting a shortlist of potential opportunities that align with your needs. This includes finding the right position, collaboration mode, remote/on-site requirements, financial expectations, etc.
  • Together, we will explore options and determine the approach for potential suitable positions. Each position is unique, and preparation materials are tailored individually for each one. The candidate also needs to understand the specific position to adequately prepare.

Throughout our collaboration, the candidate will receive free support from us and have the opportunity to utilize:

  • Individual career consultations within their professional trajectory.
  • Representation during negotiations of collaboration terms.
  • Legal consultations regarding contract relationships.


IT Experts We Work With In the field of Outsourcing, we specialize in

Coders & Developers

Java C# Python ReactJS VueJS Kotlin SwiftUI

Design & Analyse

Business Analyst IT Analyst UX Designer Process Analyst

IT Architecture

Enterprise Architects Solution Architect Software Architect Cloud Architect

Project Management

Project Manager Program Manager Scrum Master SaFe Coach